The Negative Chatter Within
We all have aspirations in life. The goal of continuing our education, a new career, being the healthiest we can be, and having the ideal weight, are just a few. Excitement runs through our body, like an electrical shock. This can last minutes, hours, or days until the negative chatter beings and takes hold of our goals/dreams. The negative chatter so sly sneaks up like a slithering snake to scare us away from reaching our goals/dreams. The voice asks us, who do you think you are to want such a goal/dream? you are not worthy of such a goal/dream. The voice continues, there are smarter, more qualified individuals than yourself. You will never look and feel wonderful in your body, so stop trying. Eat those cookies, they will make you happy and fill the void within.
We try to push the invisible chatter from our minds, telling ourselves we are worthy of our aspirations, but the voice is so strong it washes our goals/dreams like the waves in the sea pulling the sand and debris into the ocean. Sinking our excitement and replacing it with a hole that needs to be filled. The daily cylce continues, battling the voice, the untruths we allow to consume our positive thoughts and goals.
We ourselves hold our aspirations at bay, afraid of the unknown. I encourage you to push the negative chatter from your mind and open the window allowing the sun to shine upon your goals/dreams. I know you are worthy and will succeed if you allow yourself the opportunity.